Thursday, March 14, 2013

Student Success Statement

            Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
                                                -Theodore Roosevelt
What this quote of Theodore Roosevelt means to me is that whenever you have to choose between two decisions make sure you think clearly and make the right choice is going to be the right. 

Selecting Your Courses Part 5

            Selecting Your Course
                                       Part 5
The Arts
Researching indicates that students who participate in the arts often do better in school and on standardize tests. The arts help you recognize patterns, discern differences and similarities, and exercise your mind in unique ways, often outside a traditional classroom setting.
Many colleges require or recommend one or two semesters in the arts. Good choices include studio art, dance, music and drama. Many students have talents and extraordinary abilities in the arts. Students should look within their own repertoire of talents and identify their artistic abilities and take college classes to develop their talents.

Advanced Placement Program (AP)
To be sure you are ready to take college-level work, enroll in most challenging courses you can in high school, such as honors or AP courses. Research consistently shows that student who score a 3.0 or higher on an AP Exam typically experience greater academic success and college graduation rates than students who don’t take AP.
Work hard in your righteous pursuits, and you will reap the benefits of self-fulfillment and job satisfaction. Don’t take shortcuts just to “get by,” instead, take challenging and difficult roads (courses) and reach higher mountain peaks of achievement.
                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“To know what’s right and not to do it is the worst cowardice”
Reflection: I think that this post is saying that if you know something is right and you don’t do it, then you’re just scared to do good things, and that’s part of choosing the wrong. ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Selecting Your Courses Part 4

                  Selecting Your Courses
                                 Part 4
Social Studies
You can better understand local and world events that are happing now by studying the culture and history that has shaped them. Here is suggested course plan:
U.S History (two semesters)
U.S Government (one semester)
World history or geography (one semester)
One additional semester in the above or other areas.
Foreign Languages
Solid foreign language study shows college you’re willing to stretch beyond the basics. Many colleges require at least two years of study in the same foreign language, and some prefer more.
Learning a foreign language can be challenge but is exciting. Repetition is the key to learning a language, and having conversations with others speaking the same language is the best way to learn this new language. Repetition in a fun way will build your skills thoroughly as you seek to master new languages.
                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

         Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”
                                                   Thomas Carlyle
REFLECTION: What this quote about Thomas Carlyle means to me is that if you don’t have any goal in your life to reach for you can end up somewhere you won’t like so a person without a goal is nothing for example people can get into drugs because they don't know what they want.

The Power of Study Groups Part 4

         The Power of Study Groups
                                        Part 4
Getting the Most Out of a Session
Here are some tips to help your group get the most out of each study sessions:
Decide what you’re going to do in advance.
Prepare for the session, so you can make the most of your time together.
Take turns teaching, to reinforce your own knowledge.
Stick to the session topic.

By supplementing your individual study with a study group, you can reinforce what you’ve learned, deepen your understanding of complex concepts, and maybe even make a few new friends. Remember that a friend is a person who encourages you to do your best and to achieve on a high level, one who pushes you to try a little harder and be a litter better. If someone pulls you down the wrong trials of life, then those people are not friends, (they are actually your enemies), and you must avoid them at all cost. Whoever said learning can’t be fun? Learning is enjoyable and exciting when you study with others.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The power of Study Groups

         The power of Study Groups
Guidelines for Getting a Group Together
Here are some guidelines for creating and running a study group: How many? Create a group of four to six people. In a larger group, it’s easy for someone to get left out and smaller groups can too easily get of track.
Who? Pick classmates who seem to share your interest in doing well academically. Look for people who stay alert in class, take notes, ask questions and respond to the teacher’s questions. Include someone who understands the material better than you and can explain the concepts and someone who doesn’t it as well, to whom you can explain the material.
Where? Hold study group sessions in a place that is free of distractions and that has room to spread out books and notes. How long? Meet for no more than two to three hours at a time. Having a time limit helps the group focus. If you know you only have an hour, you’re more likely to stay on task. When? Try to meet regularly, on the same day and time each week. Treating the study session as you would other activities helps you to keep to a schedule and ensures that everyone attends.
                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Power of Study Groups

            The Power of Study Groups
The Benefits of Study Groups
Group study offers other advantage in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of class material. These include the opportunity to: Reinforce note-taking. If your AP Biology notes are unclear, you can ask a member of your study group to help you fill the gaps. Share talents. Each person brings different strengths, such as organization skills, the ability to stick to a task or a capacity for memorization.
Cover more ground. Group members may be able to solve a calculus problem together that none would have solved alone. Benefit from a support system. Members often have common goals, such as good grades. Each person’s work affects the other members, which results in making members supportive of one another. Socialize. It’s more fun to study with others; the give-and-take makes it more interesting. And because it’s more fun, you spend more time studying!
                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

           Student Success Statement
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalpost are.”
                                                     Arnold Glasgow
What this quote about Arnold Glasgow means to me is that in life if you don’t know what you want you won’t know where your heading to and can get lost unless you have a goal if not set your goal and go out and reach for it.

The Power of Study Groups

          The Power of Study Groups
                                            Part 1
Working Together Helps Everyone
You may have notice that when you’re explaining something you’ve learned to a friend, you begin to understand it better yourself. This happens because, when you explain an idea, you need to think more deeply about it.
The same principle makes study groups useful. Studying with others in a small group is helpful because you:
~Think out loud.
~Share ideas.
~Learn from one another.

In an effective study group, you and other students hash out lesson materials together-explaining concepts, arguing about them, figuring out why one person’s answer differs from another’s- and in the process, you most likely learn more than you would have studying by yourself.
                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Walk the Talk

                Walk the Talk
     What I think about Walk the Talk video it’s a great video to me this video has a meaning of saying that you can do good you can succeed in life you want but it’s all up to the person’s life in choosing the right path to be able to and that nobody can’t tell you that you can’t because yes you can. 

student success statement

               Student Success Statement
“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.”
                                                          ~Albert A. Montapert
Reflection: What this quote about Albert A. Montapert is saying no matter what you do or where you go you’ll always pay your consequences you’re never going to get away with it no matter what they’ll come to you sooner or later.