Monday, September 10, 2012

                         50 HABITS OF SUCCCESSFUL PEOPLE
21.They don’t belive in. or wait for fate destiny, chance or luck in determine or shape the or future. They believe in, and are

23. they are more effective than most at emmanaging their emotions. They feel like we all do but they are not shaves to their emotions.
24. They have a plan for their and they work methodically at turning that plan into reality. Their life is not clumsy seires of unplannred events and outcomes.
26. Their desire to be exception means that they typically do thing that most wont. They become exceptional by choice. Were all faced with life-swhaping decisions almost daily.successful people make the decisions that wont and don’t.
28. They have indentifed their core values ( what is important to them) and they do their best to live a life`

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