Thursday, May 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

                         Student Success Statement
                        “Everyone is the architect of their own learning.”

This statement is saying that everyone is in charge of their own learning skills and that is all depends on the person if they want to have a good reflection of it and learn. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement
                           “To be great—concentrate.”
                                                                  -Orson Sweet Mardin
What I think of this quote is that in order to be able to be a great and successful person you have to really think about the decisions that you make in life and about anything else.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Student Success statement

                     Student Success Statement
                                “Education is a marathon—not a sprint”
What this quote of Anon means to me is saying that school is important and you should always do good is not a joke to just play with it and that you can always do good as long as you try your best.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement
                “The man who has no imagination has no wings”
                                                                   -Muhammad Ali
What this quote of Muhammad Ali is saying that if a person doesn't have what they need to success there going to go really down fail there goal or project. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


<iframe src="" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="" title="Honesty To Honesty" target="_blank">Honesty To Honesty</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">kleow0</a></strong> </div>

Friday, May 17, 2013

Exam Day: Survival Tips part 2

                                  Exam Day: Survival Tips
                                                 Part 2

During the Test
Read the directions.
It’s important that you follow the instructions exactly. For example, some questions may have more than one correct answer.
Answer easy questions first.
Doing this can jog your memory about useful facts.
You may also come across information that can help you with other questions.
Unless there is a penalty for wrong answers, try to answer every question; you may be able to get partial credit for those you begin but don’t complete correctly.
Ask questions
If a question isn’t clear, talk to your teacher. If that’s not possible, explain your answer in the margin.
                          CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
                  Student Success Statement
“Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.”
                                                               -Matt Biondi
What this quote is saying that trying can always help you do better and make you achieve in life if you try your best.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Successs Statement

                          Student Success Statement
“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”
                                           -Margaret Chase Smith
What this quote of Margaret Chase Smith is saying that you should aways stand up for what you think is right to never back down from it be confident and believe on yourself.

Monday, May 6, 2013

                           It’s online, but Is It on Target?
                                                                         Part 2
Research with Attitude
Conduct your research with attitude of a skeptic. As you examine websites for clue that they’re trustworthy, ask these questions:
-Who wrote the web page? If you can identify the individual or organization responsible for the information, don’t use it.
-What are the author’s qualifications for writing on the subject?
-Has the article passed through an editorial process designed to ensure quality and accuracy?
-What is website’s purpose? Look for motives-like selling products or winning votes-that could result in biased or incomplete information.
-Is the information accuracy?

                              CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

                             Student Success Statement
“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.”
                                         -Liane Cordes
What this quote of Liane Cordes is saying that everyone has intelligence just that laziness can stop you but if put effort then you can do it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Success Statement

                  Student Success Statement
“When an archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim, improver yourself.”
                                                         -Gilbert Arland
What these quotes of Gilbert Arland mean to me is saying that whenever a person makes a mistake that person itself finds a right way to fix it and make it better without including anybody else so to help out make sure you know what’s right yourself.


            SQ3R=Survey –Question-Read-Recite-Review 
At the end of each section, look up from the text and in your own words recite an answer to your question for that section. Then write down your answer. Be sure to provide examples that support it. Now repeat the Question, Read and Recite steps for each section of the chapter. First ask a question for the next section. Then read to find the answer. Finally, recite the answer in your own words and jot it down. The written question and answers can help you study in the future.
After completing the chapter, review your notes. Identify the main points by looking for the most important idea in each section.  Recite, or write, a brief summary of the assignments.
Review your study notes every week to help you remember the information. When it’s time to prepare for your test, you’ll find you’ve created an invaluable study guide.
               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


                      SQ3R=Survey-Question-read –Recite- Review
As you survey the text, ask a question for each section. Ask what, why, how, when, who and where questions as they relate to the content. Here’s how you can create questions:
-Turn the title, headings or subheadings into questions.
-Review the questions at the end of the chapter or after each subheading in your own words.
Write down your questions. Questions help you pay attention, understand the text better and recall the information more easily later on.
Read one section of the chapter at a time, actively looking for answer to your question for that section . Pay attention to bold and italicized text that authors use to make important points.
Be sure to review everything in the section, including tables, graphs and illustrations-these features can communicate an idea more powerfully than written text.
                               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
                        Student Success Statement
“The first law of success…Is concentration; to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point, looking neither to the right nor the left”
                                              -William Mathews
What this quote of William Mathews means to me is that no matter where you stand or are the important thing is that you concentrate without worrying for what’s all around you.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


      SQ3R: a great reading and study technique

Improve Your Study Skills
SQ3R stands for:      
It is a proven technique to sharpen your study skills.
In college, you’ll be required to do lots of reading . You’ll often have to complete reading assignments in several different books for several different courses at the same time. SQ3R helps make reading and studying purposeful and effective, so that you use your time most efficiently. Here’s how this strategy works.
Let’s say your assignment is to read one chapter. First, get an idea of what the chapter is about by reviewing the highlights:
-Read the title, headings and subheadings.
-Notice words that are italicized or bold.
-Read captions.
-Read the very begging and end of the chapter.            
                      CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
              Student Success Statement
      “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow”
                                            -Robert Kiyosaki
What this quote of Robert Kiyosaki means to that is saying whatever you choose today and every day is the decisions you made for your future so for example if you choose the right then you’ll have a wonderful happy life and if you choose the wrong then you will have a bad life it’s all in the decisions of today that counts for your future.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Student Success Statement

                          Student Success Statement
                                 The Three Don’t
                                       Don’t whine
                                       Don’t complain
                                     Don’t make excuses
                                                 -John Wooden
I think that it is very true to never whine, complain, or make excuses because that will not get you anywhere to accomplish what you have in mind or what you are planning to so the best is just to do it with no whine, complains or excuses do good.

Tips for staying motivated 3-5

                          Tips for Staying Motivated
                                                        Tips 3-5
3. Set Attainable Goals
If you’re having trouble writing a 25-page paper for class because it seems like such a big job, don’t focus on that final number. Break the paper down and consider each section of your paper individually. You can handle any project in small chunks.  
4. Find a Social Support Network
Create a group of people around you who want to help you succeed. Mentors can be teachers of family friends who can give you guidance and help you develop new skills. Counselors can help you with planning your courses and starting to explore colleges. You can also reach out to friends and peers who can motivate you by listing and sharing ideas.
5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments
Give yourself a quick reward when you complete an assignment or task. Take a walk, send an email, get a snack. Then move on to the next project.
                               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Take control of homework Part 3

                Take Control of Homework
                            So It Doesn’t Control You
                                                Part 3
Take Advantage of Any Free Time
If you have a study period or a long bus ride, use the time to review notes, prepare for an upcoming class or start your homework. Flash cards are a great learning tool. They are easy to make, easy to handle, and are a marvelous tool to help you learn and remember anything. Punch a hole in the upper left corner of each index card and connect the stack of your flash cards with a ring. Then the cards are bound and not flopping around. Flash cards bound like this act like a small book with pages. You can even separate ringed stacks for each subject. WHATEVER YOU WANT TO REMEMBER, PUT ON A CARD.

Study with a Friend
Get together with friends and classmates to quiz each other, compare notes and predict test questions. Consider joining a Study Group.

If you have concerns about the amount or type of homework you have, you may want to talk to your family, teachers or counselor. They can help you understand how much time you need to allot for homework and to manage your tasks.

Celebrate Your Achievements
Reward yourself for hitting milestones or doing something well.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

                        Take Control of Homework
                                       So It Doesn’t Control You
                                                     Part 2
Keep Things in Perspective
Know how much weight each assignment or test carries, and use your time accordingly. Don’t waste time, but be wise and smart. Doing the most important things first is being wise and smart.

Get More Involved
Keep your mind from wandering by taking notes, underlining sections, discussing topics with others or relating your homework to something you’re studying in another class. Learn actively and not passively. Be anxiously engaged in your studies and you will have a great experience. Demonstrate a good attitude toward home assignments, and you will begin to love doing it.

Organize the Information
People process information in different ways. Some people like to draw pictures or charts to digest information, others prefer to read out loud or make detailed outlines. Try to find methods that work best for you. Ask your teacher for recommendations if you’re having trouble.
                         CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Student success statement

                   Student Success Statement
                “Tell me what is right and I will fight for it.”
                                      Woodrow Wilson
What I think this quote by Woodrow Wilson means to me is saying show me what’s the right and I will work for it. So if you know is the right work for it and if it’s wrong don’t even bother to.

Distance Education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 4 of 4

Distance Education: Is a virtual classroom for you?
                           Part 4 of 4
Emphasis on the Written Word
Most of the communication, as well as the course work, in distance-learning classes is written. That’s a plus, because the focus on the written word gives you the opportunity to develop as a writer-and strong writing skills are essential to academic success. However, if writing is a serious weakness for you, virtual learning may not be the best education option until you improve your skills. Yes, most of distance education is the written word; therefore, you need to be a good reader, love to read, and love writing also. Most of your assignments will be written and submitted to the instructor in written format. Your penmanship needs to be excellent, spelling great, sentence structure above average, vocabulary extraordinary. You need to have online access with reliable equipment. If your internet at home isn’t working, you can’t do online education from home and will need to go to someplace where you do have access to the internet.
Decide Whether It’s Right for You
Distance education isn’t for everyone, but it just might be for you. You really should seek it out and give it a try. You never know until you try. You might even fall in love with distance education. While distance education may be perfect alternative for some students, it’s not the right choice for everyone. So carefully consider your unique needs interest and give distance education a try; then, decide if it is right for you.
                         CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement
“What lies Behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
                                Ralph Waldo Emerson
What this quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson means to me is saying that no matter where you are or stand at what matters is what’s inside.

Distance Education Part2

Distance Education: Is a Virtual Classroom For You?
                                                  Part 2
Positive Aspects of Distance Education
- Independence and time management: Taking courses online lets you hone ability to work on your own. You also gain experience in managing your time efficiently.
- A flexible schedule: Schools can only provide a certain number of class periods in a single school day, and there may not be enough time for you to take everything you want. Because distance education lets you take classes outside regular school hours, it gives you the flexibility to explore all your areas of interest.
- Advanced and specialized classes. Distance education gives you the chance to gain experience in areas that would otherwise remain out of reach.
                      CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

            Student Success Statement
“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.”
                                    -Rosa Parks              
What this quote of Rosa Parks means to me is saying that you should never feel bad or worried about something that you know was right so never fear to stand up for the right and if you are fearing something that you are doing is because you are not choosing the right so you know you are doing something wrong. 

Balancing High School and Part-Time work part5

       Balancing High School and Part-Time Work
                                                    Part 5
Additional Tips
Although working and going to school is challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you use some foresight. These tips can help you handle the situation and make the most of your time:
Discuss your plans with your family. Balancing the demands of school and work is easier with their support.
Start slowly; don’t commit to working a lot of hours immediately.
Avoid time conflicts by planning your class and work schedules as far ahead of time as possible.
Use your time efficiently. You can use 10 minutes waiting in a line to go over a few pages of assigned reading. If your job has a lot of downtime and your boss has no objection, you can use slow periods to do schoolwork.
If you commute to your job on public transportation, bring your schoolwork with you so you can work along the way.
Be flexible and willing to make sacrifices. You may have to cut down on some other things you’d like to do because of your school and work commitments.
If you have too much on your plate, admit it. Then cut back as needed.
Schedule relaxation time. Everyone needs some downtime to stay happy and healthy.
                   CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Marion Jones Reflection

              Marion Jones Olympic cheater
What I think of Marion Jones is if she would have done the things the right way right now she would be happy and proud of her own self without having to worry about anything but she decide to choose the wrong path and now she’s paying for it and no longer with a smile in her face like the day she won her metals and she also maybe disappointed her fans, family members, and friends.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Student Success Statement

            Student Success Statement
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
                                                -Theodore Roosevelt
What this quote of Theodore Roosevelt means to me is that whenever you have to choose between two decisions make sure you think clearly and make the right choice is going to be the right. 

Selecting Your Courses Part 5

            Selecting Your Course
                                       Part 5
The Arts
Researching indicates that students who participate in the arts often do better in school and on standardize tests. The arts help you recognize patterns, discern differences and similarities, and exercise your mind in unique ways, often outside a traditional classroom setting.
Many colleges require or recommend one or two semesters in the arts. Good choices include studio art, dance, music and drama. Many students have talents and extraordinary abilities in the arts. Students should look within their own repertoire of talents and identify their artistic abilities and take college classes to develop their talents.

Advanced Placement Program (AP)
To be sure you are ready to take college-level work, enroll in most challenging courses you can in high school, such as honors or AP courses. Research consistently shows that student who score a 3.0 or higher on an AP Exam typically experience greater academic success and college graduation rates than students who don’t take AP.
Work hard in your righteous pursuits, and you will reap the benefits of self-fulfillment and job satisfaction. Don’t take shortcuts just to “get by,” instead, take challenging and difficult roads (courses) and reach higher mountain peaks of achievement.
                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

student success statement

Student success statement
“To know what’s right and not to do it is the worst cowardice”
Reflection: I think that this post is saying that if you know something is right and you don’t do it, then you’re just scared to do good things, and that’s part of choosing the wrong. ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Selecting Your Courses Part 4

                  Selecting Your Courses
                                 Part 4
Social Studies
You can better understand local and world events that are happing now by studying the culture and history that has shaped them. Here is suggested course plan:
U.S History (two semesters)
U.S Government (one semester)
World history or geography (one semester)
One additional semester in the above or other areas.
Foreign Languages
Solid foreign language study shows college you’re willing to stretch beyond the basics. Many colleges require at least two years of study in the same foreign language, and some prefer more.
Learning a foreign language can be challenge but is exciting. Repetition is the key to learning a language, and having conversations with others speaking the same language is the best way to learn this new language. Repetition in a fun way will build your skills thoroughly as you seek to master new languages.
                                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

         Student Success Statement
“A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.”
                                                   Thomas Carlyle
REFLECTION: What this quote about Thomas Carlyle means to me is that if you don’t have any goal in your life to reach for you can end up somewhere you won’t like so a person without a goal is nothing for example people can get into drugs because they don't know what they want.

The Power of Study Groups Part 4

         The Power of Study Groups
                                        Part 4
Getting the Most Out of a Session
Here are some tips to help your group get the most out of each study sessions:
Decide what you’re going to do in advance.
Prepare for the session, so you can make the most of your time together.
Take turns teaching, to reinforce your own knowledge.
Stick to the session topic.

By supplementing your individual study with a study group, you can reinforce what you’ve learned, deepen your understanding of complex concepts, and maybe even make a few new friends. Remember that a friend is a person who encourages you to do your best and to achieve on a high level, one who pushes you to try a little harder and be a litter better. If someone pulls you down the wrong trials of life, then those people are not friends, (they are actually your enemies), and you must avoid them at all cost. Whoever said learning can’t be fun? Learning is enjoyable and exciting when you study with others.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The power of Study Groups

         The power of Study Groups
Guidelines for Getting a Group Together
Here are some guidelines for creating and running a study group: How many? Create a group of four to six people. In a larger group, it’s easy for someone to get left out and smaller groups can too easily get of track.
Who? Pick classmates who seem to share your interest in doing well academically. Look for people who stay alert in class, take notes, ask questions and respond to the teacher’s questions. Include someone who understands the material better than you and can explain the concepts and someone who doesn’t it as well, to whom you can explain the material.
Where? Hold study group sessions in a place that is free of distractions and that has room to spread out books and notes. How long? Meet for no more than two to three hours at a time. Having a time limit helps the group focus. If you know you only have an hour, you’re more likely to stay on task. When? Try to meet regularly, on the same day and time each week. Treating the study session as you would other activities helps you to keep to a schedule and ensures that everyone attends.
                  CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Power of Study Groups

            The Power of Study Groups
The Benefits of Study Groups
Group study offers other advantage in addition to gaining a deeper understanding of class material. These include the opportunity to: Reinforce note-taking. If your AP Biology notes are unclear, you can ask a member of your study group to help you fill the gaps. Share talents. Each person brings different strengths, such as organization skills, the ability to stick to a task or a capacity for memorization.
Cover more ground. Group members may be able to solve a calculus problem together that none would have solved alone. Benefit from a support system. Members often have common goals, such as good grades. Each person’s work affects the other members, which results in making members supportive of one another. Socialize. It’s more fun to study with others; the give-and-take makes it more interesting. And because it’s more fun, you spend more time studying!
                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

           Student Success Statement
“In life as in football, you won’t go far, unless you know where the goalpost are.”
                                                     Arnold Glasgow
What this quote about Arnold Glasgow means to me is that in life if you don’t know what you want you won’t know where your heading to and can get lost unless you have a goal if not set your goal and go out and reach for it.

The Power of Study Groups

          The Power of Study Groups
                                            Part 1
Working Together Helps Everyone
You may have notice that when you’re explaining something you’ve learned to a friend, you begin to understand it better yourself. This happens because, when you explain an idea, you need to think more deeply about it.
The same principle makes study groups useful. Studying with others in a small group is helpful because you:
~Think out loud.
~Share ideas.
~Learn from one another.

In an effective study group, you and other students hash out lesson materials together-explaining concepts, arguing about them, figuring out why one person’s answer differs from another’s- and in the process, you most likely learn more than you would have studying by yourself.
                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Walk the Talk

                Walk the Talk
     What I think about Walk the Talk video it’s a great video to me this video has a meaning of saying that you can do good you can succeed in life you want but it’s all up to the person’s life in choosing the right path to be able to and that nobody can’t tell you that you can’t because yes you can. 

student success statement

               Student Success Statement
“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.”
                                                          ~Albert A. Montapert
Reflection: What this quote about Albert A. Montapert is saying no matter what you do or where you go you’ll always pay your consequences you’re never going to get away with it no matter what they’ll come to you sooner or later.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jenna Huff Summary

  Jenna Huff High School Student wins the Extreme “Sportsmanship” award from U.S. Olympic Committee.
Jenna Huff was a high school student part of a racing team running against another team competing to get at the end of the race while she was reaching the end of the race she saw that there was an injured person from another team so she stop and helped her out to reach the end without caring if she won the race or not.

How to Take on College Studying

     How to Take on College Studying
Develop Good Study Habits
In college, you’ll need to build on the study skills that you learned in high school. The demands of a college class are probably more rigorous than those you are use to.
You can succeed by knowing what to expect and how to handle it. Think of college as a full-time job, in which you spend 40 hours a week on class, labs, study groups and doing homework.
Being organized and using your time well are essential. Learn more about time management, and use the guidelines below to develop your skills.
Decide When to Study
Work out about how many hours you need to study every day. Then make a schedule.
Figure out what blocks of time you have available throughout the day, in the evenings and on weekends.
Consider what time of day you are most alert-there are morning people and night owls-and try to schedule your studying accordingly.
Think about whether you do better studying for a few hours at a time or sitting down for marathon sessions.
              CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Student success statement

             Student Success Statement
“Choosing the right is always the right thing to do.”
Reflection: What I think about this quote is that it’s true if your choosing the right your making the right decisions and the best ones. For example if you have a choice from going out or staying in and get your work done if you choose to stay in and get your work done you know that your making the right decisions and it always feel good. 

10 Time Management Tips for Student..

10 Time Management Tips for Students
                            Tips 5-10
Tip 5. Review Your Notes Every Day.
Reviewing helps you reinforce what you’ve learned, so you need less time to study before test. You’ll also be ready if you get called on in class or have to take a pop quiz.
Tip 7. Communicate Your Schedule to Others.
If phone calls or text messages are proving to be distraction, tell your friend that you are only available at certain times of day and not to expect a response at other times.
Tip 8. Become a Taskmaster.
Give yourself a time budget and plan your activities accordingly. Figure out how much free time you have each week before you add any commitments.
Tip 9. Don’t Waste Time Agonizing.
Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just do it. Wasting an entire evening worrying about something that you’re supposed to be doing is not productive, and can increase your stress.
Tip 10. Determine Your Priorities.
You can’t do everything at once. Establish the important of each item. Then set realistic goals that are attainable.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

7 habits of highly successful teens part 1

    7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
                                           Habit 7
                                            Part 1
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Teens should never get too busy living to take time to renew themselves. When teens “sharpen the saw” they are keeping their personal self sharp so that they can better deal with life. It means regularly renewing and strengthening the four key dimensions of life-body, mind, hear, and soul
1) Body. Eat wholesome, foods, fruits, vegetables, legumes. Avoid illegal drugs, smoking, alcohol, tobacco products, tattooing. Exercise regularly and effectively. Get plenty of rest at night. Get to bed early at night and get up early each morning. “Early to bed early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
2) Mind. Think positively. Read. Study. Think. Analyze. Seek to read a good book each month. Then each week. Ask intelligent questions. Observe. Develop your mind through positive “self-talk.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

student Success Statement

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
                                               Helen Keller
REFLECTION: What this quote about Helen Keller means to me is saying that four hands is better than two it can give you much more than enough and you can get the work done faster and better its really helpful will be. 

7 habits of highly successful teens habit 6

       7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
                               Habit 6
Habit 6: Synergize
Synergize is achieved when two or more people work together to create something better than either could alone. Through this habit, teens learn it doesn’t have to be “your way” but rather a better way, a higher way. Synergy allows teens to value differences and better appreciate others. Synergy is the reward, the delicious fruit you’ll taste as you get better at living  the other habits, especially at thinking Win-Win and seeking first to understand. Learning to synergize is like learning to form V formations with others instead of trying to fly through life solo. You’ll be amazed at how much faster and farther you’ll go. Synergy doesn’t just happen. It’s process. You have to get there. And the foundation of getting there is this: Learn to celebrate differences.
A good band is a great example of synergy. It’s not just the drums, or the guitar, or the sax, or the vocalist, It’s all of them together that make up the “sound.” Each band member brings his or her strengths to the table to create something better than each could alone. No instrument is more important than another, just different.
                     CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

student success statement

          Student Success Statement
“The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is-‘I will form good habits and become their slaves.”
                                             Og Mandino
REFLECTION:  What I think about this quote is that it is true if we have made good habits we will succeed in life if we choose to make bad habits we will fail life.  

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens

      7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
                                               Habit 2
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
If teens aren't clear about where they want to end up in life, about their values, goals, and what they stand for, they will wander, waste time, and be tossed to and fro by the opinions of others. Help your teen create a personal mission statement which will act as a road map and direct and guide hid decisions-making process.
“Keep your eyes on the prize.” Determine your desired prize and don’t quit until you have realized the achievement of your prize. Then set another prize, another goal or desire that you would really like to achieve. Begin with the achievement of your prize in mind. Visualize and then realize. Start by having a target in mind; know where you going.
One prize or goal you definitely need to establish for yourself is the prize of an honorable graduation from high school-that you will receive your diploma honestly and with integrity-which you earned it with perfect honesty.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Student success statement

              Student Success Statement
                            “Keep your eyes on the prize”
REFLECTION: What this quote is saying is that to stay focus on your goal, what you want to achieve to stay open eyes don’t let it fail or fall. 

10 Tips for Student Success..

           10 Tips for Student Success
1.  Attend your classes. Remember in the words of Woody Allen Seventy of success in life is showing up.
2.  Know your faculty. Make sure you know who your teachers are, when their office hours are and how to contact them.
3.  Make sure the faculty knows you. Sit in the front of the classroom. Participate in class discussions. Consult with your teachers during office hours.
4.  Use a daily planner. Note the dates of exams, assignments, term papers, etc.
5.  Be organized. Prioritize your responsibilities. Manage your time. Remember everyone has the same 168 hours a week, only some of us use them better than others.
6.  Know your campus resources. Visit your Academic’s Dean Office regularly. Become familiar with the services and programs offered by the counseling center, The Freshmen Center, the career Center, the Campus Ministry Office and the Student Life Office.
7.  Take care of your health. Get enough sleep. Eat well-balanced meals. Exercise regularly. Make informed and mature decisions about alcohol, sex and drugs. Visit the Health Office if needed.
8.  Work only as necessary. Try not the exceed 20 hours during a school week. If possible, work on campus. Apply for financial aid and loans if you need them. Manage your expenses very carefully.
9.  Get involved in campus activities. It will help you learn valuable skills, expand your social network and enhance your self-confidence. Seek out opportunities to apply what you learn in the classroom.
10.                   Keep your eyes on the prize. Clarify your goals. Know why you are in college in the first place. Visualize your success on a daily basis.
               CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Profile of a Successful Student part2

       Profile of a Successful Student
                           Part 2
Work together. There are a Number of ways that you can ensure you get the most out of your educational experience. First, participate fully. Engage regularly in discussions and be willing share your personal, professional and educational experiences. You can’t get to know your classmates through the dialogue that is created in a course environment-sometimes even better that in a face-to-face class. And the same goes for your instructor. Be sure to contact your professor-especially if you are having problems. He/she is still your instructor and will be there to guide and assist you as needed.
                 CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!   

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

           Student Success Statement
“What’s right isn’t always popular What’s popular isn’t always right”
Reflection: I think this is so true but what it means to me is that people don’t always choose what’s right because of other people they follow them thinking that’s the right so they won’t feel left out.

successful students

                Successful Students
7…understand that actions affect learning. Successful students know there personal behavior affect their feeling and emotions which can affect learning.
If you act in a certain way that normally produce particular feelings, you will begin to feel those feelings. Act like your bored and you’ll become disinterested. So the next time you have trouble concentrating in the class room, “act” like an interested person: lean forward, place your feet flat on the floor, maintain eye contact with the professor may also get more excited and enthusiastic.
8. . . .talk about what they’re learning. Successful students get to know something well enough that they can put into words. Talking about something , with friends or classmates, is not only good for checking whether or not you know something, is a proven learning tool. Transferring ideas into words provide the most direct path for moving knowledge from short-term to long-term memory. You really don’t “know” material until you can put into words. So, next time you study, don’t do it silently. a chair, organize an oral study group, pretend you’re teaching your peers. “Talking –learning ’’
                CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Successful Students 5-6

                Successful Students
5. Don’t sit in the back of the room. Successful students minimize classroom distractions that interfere with learning.
Students want the best for their entertainment dollars, but willingly want the best seat for their education dollars. Students that sit in the back can’t possibly be there professor teammate (see no.40). Why do they expose themselves to the temptations of inactive classroom experience. And distractions of all the people between them and their instructor? Of course, we know that they choose the back of the classroom because they seek invisibility and anonymity, both in which are antithetical to efficient and effective learning. If you are trying not to be part of the class, then why are you wasting your time?
6. . . .take good notes. Successful students take notes that are understandable and organized, and review them often.
Why put something into your notes you don’t understand? Ask questions now that are necessary to make your notes meaningful at some later time. A short review of your notes while the material is still fresh on your mind helps you learn more. The more you learn then, the less you’ll have to learn later and the less time it will take because you won’t have to include some deciphering time, The whole purpose of taking notes is to use them, and use them often. The more you use them, the more they improve.
              CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!